1 January 2014                                                                                                       Venetia Reddy

Ordinary Miracles

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

I couldn't agree more with Albert Einstein. I happened to come across the title, "Ordinary Miracles," and it seemed like a very contradictory statement to me. How can a miracle possibly be ordinary? I guess that some would say that the statement is not a contradiction, because it simply means that "small miracles”, such as the birth of a child, happen every day, therefore making it an, "ordinary miracle." However, I beg to disagree.

The way I see it, the word miracle and the word ordinary are like fire and rain. They cancel each other out. There is no such thing as an ordinary miracle. The only reason a person would say that a miracle is "ordinary," is because they either do not know what a miracle is, or they know what a miracle is, but because they see it soo often, it becomes ordinary for them. If a miracle becomes ordinary, then it isn't a miracle anymore.

A miracle is an extraordinary event, there is an amazing, and almost tangible atmosphere and feeling that comes with a miracle. A miracle is unbelievable yet believable because it happens. It's supernatural. One could almost say that it's "out of this world." Miracles happen every day...

The very fact that the sun shines and that it makes way for the bright crescent moon at night is a miracle. The fact that the sea is swarmed with fish and other forms of life and that the blue-white, blue-wide skies are filled with birds of every kind is a miracle. The misty-massive mountains that occupy green lush landscapes and the fact that the land sprouts with seed-bearing plants and trees, that grow seed-bearing fruits, is a miracle. The fact that evening passes and morning comes marking the next day is a miracle. Life is a miracle!

The way two people, man and wife are able to create rhythms of spring, something beautiful between them, a sweet fragrance between them that allows them to see face to face, gaze to gaze, touch to touch. They find a home in each other and become one, and out of their "oneness," comes a bundle of joy. That's a miracle...

It almost seems that no one sees it that way anymore. If the baby is not theirs, then they don't cherish the miracle. Our worldly systems has allowed for poverty and negativity to rob the world, the earth of its' true, peaceful state. It's disrupted the perfect melodies of life and has created a place where a mother would go against her primal instinct and abandon her baby. That is why someone would dare to say that a miracle is ordinary, because they have lost the true joy of life!

One might aswell say that nothing is a miracle. It is all dependent on how you choose to live your life. Everything is a miracle and far from ordinary. In my opinion, if you see miracles as ordinary, then you aren’t really living. I refuse to live an ordinary life, because I am a miracle, and so is everyone and everything around me. I choose to see life through the eyes of heaven. I choose to live a life of miracles. What do you choose?


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