At the beginning of 2011, I began to analyse my life. I felt dry. Nothing in my life seemed fruitful. I felt like I was trying too hard to rock my own boat. I could feel my passion and my desire for God drifting far away. I felt stranded.

Late one Saturday Night, I decided to have a heart to heart talk with God. I gave up and I gave in.
I said, "God, I don't want to do things in my own strength. I need you. I'm tired, everything has become an effort. I need your strength, I need you to work through me in a new, fresh and glorious way. I leave everything that is holding me back and I want NOTHING else but you. May your will be done in my life. Use me. I say YES to you and you alone."

I gave God everything. All of me. That night, I literally died to myself so that I could live through him.

The next day I woke up, and I began to get ready for church that Sunday morning. God spoke to me and gave me a new song to sing. The song was actually a combined version of several old hymns. I took a piece of paper and I began to write the words of the song down. I then took the piece of paper with me to church that morning.

The Worship had began and I stood patiently at the bottom of stage. I was already a singer at my local church at the time, but it was not my, "turn" that particular Sunday morning, as we had many lead and back up singers.

There was also something referred to as the "Ministry Mic," which could be used by any person if they felt like God had given them a word for the congregation. I didn't have the guts to do it. Neither did I feel like I could walk up onto the stage, and sing the words God had placed on my heart.

I was nervous, because God had never asked me to do something of this sort before. The worship time was drawing to an end. I decided to put the piece of paper into my bible, telling God that I could always sing another time, maybe when I'm on the stage again with my team. Maybe when it's more convenient. BUT GOD. God had a different plan. A more inconvenient, creative, Supernatural plan.

As I put the piece of paper back into my bible, the Pastor's wife walked straight up to me and asked, "Do you have a song on your heart?" I was shocked. It was as if she had heard the entire conversation going on between God and I in my head! I hadn't spoken to her before the service but God clearly did. I just nodded my head, still in disbelief and followed her up to the mic.

I didn't know where to start or what key to start in and the words seemed to have disappear straight out my mouth. As a matter of fact I didn't know what I was doing but the words just poured out and the melody just came. I felt as if I was really singing. I felt as if I wasn't myself. Something beyond myself was working through me.

As the first few words of the song were sung, " At the cross, at the cross," a tangible, glorious presence of love filled the atmosphere and a heavy healing anointing descended.

After the service, many came and thanked me, among them was a man. He asked if I had recorded an album yet. I hadn't, but as singer and a musician starting out, it always was a desire. In fact I had made plans to record my single, but it never went according to plan.

The man and his lovely wife had watched me and God had spoken to them. They then offered to pay for the entire recording of my first album, "Worship with Venetia Reddy."

After a few months, the album was recorded by the Spirit Word Studio in the North West Province.
After the recording, in 2011, on Christmas day, I was given the opportunity to worship live on the Spirit Word Channel with the Spirit Word Band.

"Worship with Venetia Reddy," was released in April 2012.
Worship with Venetia Reddy - Full album

God is good and he wants the ultimate best for us, all we have to do is say, "YES."


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